Mancato pagamento terza tranche POC da Negma all'E.P.H.

12/02/2024 12:50

Mancato pagamento terza tranche POC da Negma all'E.P.H.
E.P.H. S.p.A. ("E.P.H." or the "Company"), following the press release of January 22nd regarding the request for subscription of the third tranche of the convertible bond with warrants subscribed with Negma Group Ltd. (respectively, the "Tranche" and "Negma"), announces that the Board of Directors, in a meeting held on February 11th, has taken note of Negma's failure to subscribe to the Tranche and make the corresponding payment, which constitutes a breach of the investment agreement signed on March 16th, 2023, as subsequently modified and known to the market.

Therefore, the Board of Directors will promptly take all necessary actions to protect the rights of E.P.H., in all competent jurisdictions. E.P.H. S.p.A. announces that, in the absence of the payment from Negma for the Tranche, the Company will not be able to meet the payment deadlines due under the Restructuring Agreements.

(NEWS Traderlink)

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