Illimity supera i requisiti minimi di capitale proposti dalla Banca d'Italia

07/12/2023 08:22

Illimity supera i requisiti minimi di capitale proposti dalla Banca d'Italia
illimity Bank S.p.A. ("illimity" or the "Bank") hereby announces that the Board of Directors has acknowledged the communication received from the Bank of Italy regarding the initiation of the annual Supervisory Review Evaluation Process (SREP) for the assessment of overall capital requirements. The Bank has decided not to raise any objections in this regard.
The new requirements, which must be met on a consolidated basis starting from the first reporting date after the receipt of the measure, are as follows: - 9.60% CET1 ratio, - 11.10% Tier 1 ratio, - 13.10% Total Capital ratio.

These ratios include an additional requirement under Pillar 2 (P2R) of 2.60% and a Capital Conservation Buffer of 2.50%, both to be maintained as CET 1 capital.
As of September 30, 2023, the capital ratios of the illimity Bank Group exceed the aforementioned minimum requirements and are expected to remain at elevated levels in the future to support business growth: - 14.75% CET1 ratio, - 14.75% Tier 1 ratio, - 18.98% Total Capital ratio.

(NEWS Traderlink)

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