Orsero acquista 68.731 azioni proprie dal 15 al 25 settembre

26/09/2023 08:33

Orsero acquista 68.731 azioni proprie dal 15 al 25 settembre
Orsero S.p.A. ("Orsero" or the "Company"), following the press release issued on September 15th, announces the conclusion of the share buyback program carried out as part of the resolutions adopted by the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting held on April 26, 2023. Between September 15th and September 25th (inclusive), a total of 68,731 own shares were purchased, at an average price of ?14.3855 and a total value of approximately ?990,000 (including fees), in accordance with the aforementioned shareholders' resolution and the communication of September 15th.

As of the date of this announcement, taking into account the aforementioned purchases, Orsero holds a total of 546,245 own shares, representing 3.089% of the share capital. Subsidiaries of Orsero do not hold any shares of the parent company. The Company will fulfill the necessary legal requirements regarding the shares purchased under the share buyback program.

(NEWS Traderlink)

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